Apr 15, 2024

Join Nick Lamagna on The A Game Podcast with his guest Vlad Vidaeff the President and CMO of REI Network, the parent company of MyHouseDeals which has been described as the Zillow of Off-Market properties!  Vlad has over a decade of experience as a leader, strategist, and content creator as well as former soccer player.  He earned a degree in law and business before using the mix of his degrees and marketing background to find a home at REI Network and work his way up the ladder all the way to the top!

As a platform for buyers and sellers to exchange real estate all over the country Vlad is dedicated to providing a rewarding experience to all members of the members continuously innovating to address the needs and aspirations of the community.  He has used his background and skills in communication and leadership that we can all apply to our own businesses and investments!

Topics for this episode include:

 What are the most common mistakes investing in real estate?

 What are some of the hottest real estate markets to invest?

✅ Great advice for new real estate investors starting out

✅ What is something investors look for in good business partners?

✅ How do you know if someone should be fired + More!

See the show notes to connect with all things Vlad!

Connect with Vlad:


Vlad Vidaeff on LinkedIn

Vlad Vidaeff on Instagram

Vlad Vidaeff on Facebook

Connect with Nick Lamagna


Text Nick (516)540-5733

Connect on ALL Social Media and Podcast Platforms Here

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