Jul 5, 2022

Join Nick Lamagna in a solo episode as he discusses how to get the most out of live events you attend.  We talk some key takeaways from recent events by Jason Drees and of course Mark Evans Deal Maker Live event.  Two very different but awesome and impactful events in their own ways.  Attending conferences, masterminds and mixers have been a huge piece of success for many entrepreneurs, investors and elite level successful people. Nick gives some tips on how to choose which events to attend and how to prep yourself and set yourself up for success to get the most value at the events you choose.  Shout out to all the amazing connections made these past couple of weeks and especially to Jason and Mark Evans for putting on such high level productions with so many amazing people in one room!  What are some of your top events so far in 2022?  Which one’s are you looking forward to attending?

Text Nick today to do some real estate deals together whether you are new or experienced at (516) 540-5733 

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Text Nick (516)540-5733

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