Sep 23, 2024
Join Nick Lamagna on The A Game Podcast with our guest Dane Bollwinkel. Dane is an entrepreneur, real estate investor and Crypto expert who started out with aspirations to climb the corporate ladder in the tech industry and ended up struggling to find a position after grad school and decided to bet on himself turning his focus to Real Estate investing
After failing over and over getting down to his last dollars he listened to his gut and didn’t quit and closed a life changing deal making him more money in one transaction than he made his best year in tech and never looked back.
After making millions and acquiring a portfolio of up to 25 doors he has pivoted into Crypto! He is now helping friends, family and business professionals create passive income and grow wealth with certainty and less risk through cash flowing crypto portfolios.
Topics for this episode include:
✅ How can you make passive income through cryptocurrency?
✅ What is a simple explanation of the blockchain?
✅ Can you use crypto to pay your monthly expenses?
✅ What to look for in a good business partner
✅ Two alternative ways to make money in cryptocurrency + More
See the show notes to connect with all things Dane!
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